
Metal Cutting Band Saw Blade

3455216250045 216250045

A narrow ribbon of flexible steel with teeth on edge. It is supplied in coils or joined for mounting on various types of band saws and is used for cutting such materials as metal and plastic. View more Metal Cutting Band Saw Blade

3455-21-625-0045 BLADE,BAND SAW,METAL CUTTING 3455216250045 216250045

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January 2024
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3455-21-625-0045 BLADE,BAND SAW,METAL CUTTING 3455216250045 216250045 1/1
NSN 3455-21-625-0045 (Generic Image) 1/1

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Metal Cutting Band Saw Blade 3455216250045 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-34/fsc-3455 Cutting Tools for
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vendors Request Related Documents 3455-21-625-0091 3455-21-625-0043 Metal Cutting Band Saw Blade 3455-21-625-0045
Metal Cutting Band Saw Blade 3455216250114 Cutting Tools for Machine Tools from Canada (CA) 3455-21-625-0045
Metal Cutting Band Saw Blade 3455-21-625-0091 -34 Cutting Tools for Machine Tools (FSC 3455) 3455-21-625-0045
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3455-21-625-0114 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-34 Cutting Tools for Machine Tools (FSC 3455) 3455-21-625-0045
Saw Blade 3455-21-804-6512 Side Milling Cutter 3455-21-625-0043 Metal Cutting Band Saw Blade 3455-21-625-0045

3455-21-625-0045 Demil Restrictions 3455-21-625-0045


3455-21-625-0045 is a Metal Cutting Band Saw Blade

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