
Cutting Tool Insert

3455661312150 661312150 ADDED AT CONVERSION L142S-50 155-20 K10

A geometrically shaped item with one or more edges designed for various machine operations such as boring, cut-off, planing, slotting, threading and turning. It is held in a pocket or other seating surfaces of a holder by mechanical means. It is not designed to be sharpened or reground. Indexable items must have two or more edges. For items designed for grinding, sharpening or with shanks, see CUTTER BIT, TOOL HOLDER. View more Cutting Tool Insert

3455-66-131-2150 INSERT,CUTTING TOOL 3455661312150 661312150

Managed by Australia
NSN Created on 1 Jul 1988
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January 2023
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3455-66-131-2150 INSERT,CUTTING TOOL 3455661312150 661312150 1/1
NSN 3455-66-131-2150 (Generic Image) 1/1

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ADDED AT CONVERSION L142S-50 155-20 K10 A geometrically shaped item with one or more edges designed
3455-66-131-2150 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-34/fsc-3455/au 3455-66-131-2150
RQST NE Updated Every Day 3455-66-131-2150 RQST Updated Every Day 3455-66-131-2150 RQST NE Related
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https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-34/fsc-3455 Cutting Tools for Machine Tools from Australia (AU) 3455-66-131-2150
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