
Tube Expander

3441218920893 218920893 38669

A tool used on closed sided and/or hollow metal parts to form precise shapes and dimensions by systems of dies which expand outward and stretch the metal to a required shape and size. View more Tube Expander

3441-21-892-0893 EXPANDER,TUBE 3441218920893 218920893

Managed by Canada
NSN Created on 22 Jan 1983
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January 2023
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3441-21-892-0893 EXPANDER,TUBE 3441218920893 218920893 1/1
NSN 3441-21-892-0893 (Generic Image) 1/1

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3441-21-892-0893 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-34/fsc-3441/ca 3441-21-892-0893
Tube Expander 3441218920893 218920893,38669 38669 A tool used on closed sided and/or hollow metal parts
RQST NE Updated Every Day 3441-21-892-0893 RQST Updated Every Day 3441-21-892-0893 RQST NE Related
CRITICALITY : | HMIC : | PMIC : | EDC: | ADPEC https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-34/fsc-3441/ca 3441-21-892-0893
Tube Expander 3441218920893 218920893,38669 Tube Expander 2815210073192210073192 -0893 Tube Expander
3441218920893 218920893,38669 3456-01 3456-01 -480-9713 3441-21-892-0893 Expander 5120251065773 251065773
/fsg-28/fsc-2815/ca 2815-21-007-3192 Tube Expander 2815210073192 210073192 -0893 Tube Expander 3441218920893
218920893,38669 3456-01-480-9713 3441-21-892-0893 203-0960 3441-21-799-7415 4420144135758 144135758
3456-00-788-1392 144135758 892-0893 3441-98-203- https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-34/fsc-3441/ca 3441-21-892-0893
Tube Expander 3441218920893 218920893,38669 210073306 610-9279 2815-21-007-3192 3456-01-480-9713
3441-21-892-0893 203-0960 3441-21-799-7415 4420144135758 144135758 610-9279 2815-21-007-3192 3456-01
-480-9713 3441-21-892-0893 Expander 5120251065773 251065773 144135758 610-9279 2815-21-007-3192 3456-
3441-98-203-0960 3441-21-799-7415 4130210073306 210073306 610-9279 2815-21-007-3192 480-9713 3441-21-892-0893
Tube Expander 3456007881392 007881392 Expander https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-34/fsc-3441/ca 3441-21-892-0893
Tube Expander 3441218920893 218920893,38669 2815-21-007-3192 3456-01-480-9713 3441-21-892-0893

3441-21-892-0893 Demil Restrictions 3441-21-892-0893


3441-21-892-0893 is a Tube Expander

3441-21-892-0893 End Users End Users 3441-21-892-0893

Canada (ZC)

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3441-21-892-0893 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 3441-21-892-0893