
Rod End Plain Bearing

3120145675375 145675375 EN6055R04NTAK

A detachable assembly in or on which a journal, gudgeon, pivot, or the like moves. It is used to carry a load and to reduce sliding friction. It does not employ rolling elements. The outer member of the assembly is modified to provide a shank. The inner member may be either a plain spherical bearing or a sleeve bearing. Excludes BEARING, PLAIN, SPHERICAL and BEARING, PLAIN, SELF-ALIGNING. View more Rod End Plain Bearing

3120-14-567-5375 BEARING,PLAIN,ROD END 3120145675375 145675375

Managed by France
NSN Created on 23 Mar 2011
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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3120-14-567-5375 BEARING,PLAIN,ROD END 3120145675375 145675375 1/1
NSN 3120-14-567-5375 (Generic Image) 1/1

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