
Linear-Rotary Motion Roller

3120145217497 145217497

A cylindrical body having a centrally located hole to accommodate a pin or shaft for attachment to a push rod guide, yoke, rocker arm, turntable, or rail. The item provides a rolling contact with the face of a valve stem, or the lobes of a cam ring or camshaft on engines, fuel injection pumps, latches, turntables, parallel bearing surfaces requiring a roller support, and the like. Excludes BEARING, ROLLER, CYLINDRICAL; ROLLER, ELECTRICAL SWITCH; and friction bearings. See also CAM FOLLOWER, NEEDLE BEARING. View more Linear-Rotary Motion Roller

3120-14-521-7497 ROLLER,LINEAR-ROTARY MOTION 3120145217497 145217497

Managed by France
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January 2024
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3120-14-521-7497 ROLLER,LINEAR-ROTARY MOTION 3120145217497 145217497 1/1
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3120-14-521-7497 Related Documents Related Documents 3120-14-521-7497 5+ Documents (More...)

Documents 3120-14-521-7497 Restrictions 3120-14-521-7497 DEMIL: | DEMILI : | CRITICALITY : | HMIC :
Linear-Rotary Motion Roller 3120145217497 /fsg-31/fsc-3120 Bearings, Plain, Unmounted from France
Linear-Rotary Motion Roller 3120145217497 , Unmounted from France (FR) 3120-14-338-7333 Sleeve
vendors Request Related Documents 3120-14-536-2842 Sleeve Bearing 3120-14-276-0454 Sleeve Bushing 3120-14-521-7497
3120-14-536-2842 2+ Documents ( More... ) https https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-31/fsc-3120/fr 3120-14-521-7497
Linear-Rotary Motion Roller 3120145217497 Unmounted from France (FR) 3120-14-338-7333 Sleeve https
Linear-Rotary Motion Roller 3120-14-536-2842 Mounting Plate 3120-14-536-3887 Sleeve Bushing 3120-14-521-7497
-536-2842 Mounting Plate 3120-14-536-3887 https https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-31/fsc-3120/fr 3120-14-521-7497
Linear-Rotary Motion Roller 3120145217497 3120-14-276-0454 Sleeve Bushing 3120-14-521-7497 https
3120145231675145231675 3120-14-338-7333 Sleeve Bushing 3120-14-523-1675 https// Linear-Rotary Motion Roller 3120145217497
3120-14-338-7333 Sleeve Bushing 3120-14-523-1675 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-31/fsc-3120/fr 3120-14-521-7497
Linear-Rotary Motion Roller 3120145217497 CRITICALITY : | HMIC : | PMIC : | EDC: | ADPEC https/
fsc-3120 Bearings, Plain, Unmounted from France https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-31/fsc-3120/fr 3120-14-521-7497
Linear-Rotary Motion Roller 3120145217497 , Unmounted from France (FR) 3120-14-338-7333 Sleeve

3120-14-521-7497 Demil Restrictions 3120-14-521-7497


3120-14-521-7497 is a Linear-Rotary Motion Roller

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