
Sleeve Bearing

3120218502957 218502957 A17344 ITEM 25 A17344-25 E5897

A tubular shaped item with or without flange(s) designed to reduce friction and carry a kinetic load on the surface(s) parallel to the axis of the bore. It must have a visible or detectable means of lubrication or be self-lubricated. The over all length must exceed 25 percent of the outside diameter or the shortest distance between peripheral flats of the body, except for straight tubular (without flange or shoulder) items having a bearing surface(s) parallel to the axis of the bore only. Includes items which are divided into two or more segments which include 180 degrees (3.141 radians) or less of the bearing periphery. See also BUSHING, SLEEVE; SPACER, SLEEVE; and WASHER (as modified). Excludes PIN, HOLLOW. View more Sleeve Bearing

3120-21-850-2957 BEARING,SLEEVE 3120218502957 218502957

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A17344 ITEM 25 A17344-25 E5897 A tubular shaped item with or without flange(s) designed to reduce friction
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3120-21-850-2957 4+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-31/fsc-3120/ca 3120-21-850-2957
JavaScript in your web browser . 2520-14-214-1088Tube Arbre De Trans2520142141088 142141088 758-000-0 E5897
vendors Request Updated Every Day 2520-14-214-1088 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-31/fsc-3120/ca 3120-21-850-2957
Sleeve Bearing 3120218502957 218502957 your web browser . 3120-21-850-2957Sleeve Bearing3120218502957
2955Lantern Ring4320218502955 218502955 A17344 https/ https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-31/fsc-3120/ca 3120-21-850-2957
Sleeve Bearing 3120218502957 218502957 to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 3120-21-850-2957Sleeve
Bearing3120218502957 218502957 A17344 ITEM 25 A17344-25 E5897 A tubular shaped item with or without

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