
Bearing Adapter Sleeve

3110152053629 152053629 129-0415-16-101 (241)A0126129-0415-16-101

An adapter sleeve used to mount and locate an antifriction bearing on a straight shaft permitting wide tolerances of shaft diameter and making it unnecessary to heat the bearing or use a press for mounting. View more Bearing Adapter Sleeve

3110-15-205-3629 ADAPTER SLEEVE,BEARING 3110152053629 152053629

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NSN Created on 5 Mar 2012
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3110-15-205-3629 ADAPTER SLEEVE,BEARING 3110152053629 152053629 1/1
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129-0415-16-101 (241)A0126129-0415-16-101 An adapter sleeve used to mount and locate an antifriction
3110-15-205-3629 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-31/fsc-3110/it 3110-15-205-3629
Bearing Adapter Sleeve 3110152053629 129-0415-16-101 (241)A0126129-0415-16-101 An adapter sleeve used

3110-15-205-3629 Demil Restrictions 3110-15-205-3629


3110-15-205-3629 is a Bearing Adapter Sleeve

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Italy (ZR)

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