
Airframe Ball Bearing

3110144344483 144344483 WAT25EG81 WAT25EG395

A cylindrical item in which the inner or outer ring turns upon row(s) of hardened BALL, BEARING which roll on a raceway, thus minimizing friction. These items are characterized by their noncorrosive qualities, lightness of weight, inch dimensions rather than metric, inner rings generally projecting beyond the faces of the outer ring, or a very narrow width inner ring having an outside diameter slightly larger than the bore diameter. Designed primarily for use in aircraft assemblies, such as control systems and surfaces of aircraft. Excludes BEARING, BALL, ANNULAR. View more Airframe Ball Bearing

3110-14-434-4483 BEARING,BALL,AIRFRAME 3110144344483 144344483

Managed by France
NSN Created on 20 Sep 1989
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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3110-14-434-4483 BEARING,BALL,AIRFRAME 3110144344483 144344483 1/1
NSN 3110-14-434-4483 (Generic Image) 1/1

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WAT25EG81 WAT25EG395 A cylindrical item in which the inner or outer ring turns upon row(s) of hardened
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France (ZF)

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