
Slewing Ring Bearing

3110123740211 123740211 309634 5386-04-00-06/35

A major cylindrical antifriction bearing in which the inner or outer ring turns on a single or multiple row of hardened balls and/or rollers. The rolling elements roll either directly on the inner and outer ring or on race wires inserted into these rings which may have gear teeth. The item is designed for direct eccentric mounting on components requiring support for rotational operation and it is primarily used to accommodate and support radar antennas, gun mounts, tank turrets and slewing cranes. View more Slewing Ring Bearing

3110-12-374-0211 BEARING,SLEWING RING 3110123740211 123740211

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309634 5386-04-00-06/35 A major cylindrical antifriction bearing in which the inner or outer ring turns
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