
Stack Ball Bearing

3110123422127 123422127 78013-51112

A multiple assembly of more than two bearings matched for duplex mounting. Designed primarily for aircraft propeller and rotary wing aircraft rotor blade applications. See also BEARING, BALL, ANNULAR. View more Stack Ball Bearing

3110-12-342-2127 BEARING,BALL,STACK 3110123422127 123422127

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 7 Jan 1997
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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3110-12-342-2127 BEARING,BALL,STACK 3110123422127 123422127 1/1
NSN 3110-12-342-2127 (Generic Image) 1/1

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78013-51112 A multiple assembly of more than two bearings matched for duplex mounting.
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3110-12-342-2127 is a Stack Ball Bearing

3110-12-342-2127 Manufacturers Approved Sources 3110-12-342-2127

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