
Linear Actuating Cylinder Assembly

3040145379262 145379262

A cylinder containing a piston and other component parts designed to develop linear motion required to operate a given object(s) with energy generated from either pneumatic or hydraulic pressure(s). See also CYLINDER, ACTUATING, LINEAR. Do not use if a more specific name applies. View more Linear Actuating Cylinder Assembly

3040-14-537-9262 CYLINDER ASSEMBLY,ACTUATING,LINEAR 3040145379262 145379262

Managed by France
Data Last Changed
January 2024
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3040-14-537-9262 CYLINDER ASSEMBLY,ACTUATING,LINEAR 3040145379262 145379262 1/1
NSN 3040-14-537-9262 (Generic Image) 1/1

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3040-14-537-9262 Demil Restrictions 3040-14-537-9262


3040-14-537-9262 is a Linear Actuating Cylinder Assembly

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