
Worm Shaft

3040142352608 142352608 536-441-043DET25

A drive shaft having helical thread(s) on a portion of its outer surface, machined bearing surface(s) and facilities for driving (other than a hub) on one or both ends of shaft. Designed to mate with a cam, gear sector, worm wheel, etc. Includes items with bearings. Excludes items having more than one worm complement of helical threads, items with a separate complement of gear teeth, and GEAR, WORM. View more Worm Shaft

3040-14-235-2608 WORM SHAFT 3040142352608 142352608

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NSN Created on 1 Jan 1967
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July 2023
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3040-14-235-2608 WORM SHAFT 3040142352608 142352608 1/1
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536-441-043DET25 A drive shaft having helical thread(s) on a portion of its outer surface, machined
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3040-14-235-2608 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-30/fsc-3040/fr 3040-14-235-2608

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