
Shouldered Shaft

3040332053023 332053023 43142-27C00

A shaft having two or more different diameters (greater than 0.031 inches (0.79 millimeter)) along its length. It must have one or more of the following conditions: a specified surface finish designation in the range 1 to 125 microinches (0.025 to 3.2 micrometers) arithmetical average (AA), machined peripheral flat(s), circular groove(s), keyway(s), splines, threads, or holes. The ends and/or shoulders may be machined to accommodate bearings, couplings, and the like. It is not designed for use in aligning by fitting into corresponding holes of another item. For items used to support rotating members see AXLE(1), SHOULDERED. For items not having any of the above conditions see PIN, SHOULDER, HEADLESS. Excludes SHAFT(1), STRAIGHT; and AXLE(1), STRAIGHT. View more Shouldered Shaft

3040-33-205-3023 SHAFT,SHOULDERED 3040332053023 332053023

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-3023Shouldered Shaft3040332053023 332053023 43142 Sediment Strainer Element 2520142221318 403-8037 Part
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-3023Shouldered Shaft3040332053023 332053023 43142 2520-14-222-1318 Sediment Strainer Element 2520142221318
2540/us 2540-01-298-4313 Windshield Washer Assembly 2540012984313 3023Shouldered Shaft3040332053023 332053023

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