
Ball Joint

3040222538639 222538639 A 35242

An item in which the end of one member is partly spherical and fits into a corresponding spherical cavity in the other member, thus permitting a relative angular movement. Excludes items specifically designed for vehicular steering and torsion application. View more Ball Joint

3040-22-253-8639 BALL JOINT 3040222538639 222538639

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NSN Created on 14 Jul 1967
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Ball Joint 3040222538639222538639,A 35242 Denmark (DK) 4. 3040-22-253-8639 Marketplace Restrictions
222538639,A 35242 Ball Joint 3120997839498 997839498 783-9498 3040-14-333-7028 3040-66-031-6832 3040
Ball Joint 3040222538639 222538639,A 35242 3040 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-30/fsc-3040/au 3040-66-031
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-7990 3040-14-207-4198 Ball Joint 3120997839498 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-30/fsc-3040/dk 3040-22-253-8639
Ball Joint 3040222538639 222538639,A 35242 3040-14-333-7028 3040-66-031-6832 3040-22-253-8639 https

3040-22-253-8639 Demil Restrictions 3040-22-253-8639


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