
Multiple Disk Brake

3040123390288 123390288 0-022-619-39-002-108 356.040 T38PE22395 0-022-619-39-002-008

A brake consisting essentially of the following: a. A brake anchor bracket, also called a carrier assembly, which is the basic unit of the brake. It is designed to be attached to the torque flange of the axle and is also the part upon which the other components of the brake are assembled. b. A floating hydraulically actuated annular piston, or an equivalent mechanical device, used for applying braking pressure. c. Metallic disks keyed to rotate with the wheel alternated with nonrotating disks keyed to the anchor bracket. See also BRAKE, SEGMENTED ROTOR. View more Multiple Disk Brake

3040-12-339-0288 BRAKE,MULTIPLE DISK 3040123390288 123390288

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3040-12-339-0288 BRAKE,MULTIPLE DISK 3040123390288 123390288 1/1
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0-022-619-39-002-108 356.040 T38PE22395 0-022-619-39-002-008 A brake consisting essentially of the following
3040-12-339-0288 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-30/fsc-3040/de 3040-12-339-0288
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Day 3040-12-394-2516 RQST NE Related Documents https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-30/fsc-3040/de 3040-12-339-0288
Multiple Disk Brake 3040123390288 123390288 uk 3950-99-051-6302 Multiple Disk Brake 3950990516302
12-394-2516 Multiple Disk Brake 3040123942516 123942516 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-30/fsc-3040/de 3040-12-339-0288
12-394-2516 Multiple Disk Brake 3040123942516 123942516 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-30/fsc-3040/de 3040-12-339-0288
Multiple Disk Brake 3040123390288 123390288 3950990516302 990516302 461-8279 1630-16-005-1597 2530
123390288 3950990516302 990516302 461-8279 1630-16-005-1597 2530-99-252-5862 314-7028 1630-21-913-9174
4103 1630-66-101-9160 1630-99-747-0905 3040-12- https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-30/fsc-3040/de 3040-12-339-0288
Multiple Disk Brake 3040123390288 123390288 1630-21-913-9174 3040-12-394-2516 3040-12-339-0288
461-8279 1630-16-005-1597 2530-99-252-5862 1630-12-314-7028 1630-21-913-9174 3040-12-394-2516 3040-12-339-0288
2590/uk 2590-99-564-8413 Multiple Disk Brake 2590995648413995648413 913-9174 3040-12-394-2516 3040-12-339-0288
461-8279 1630-16-005-1597 2530-99-252-5862 1630-12-314-7028 1630-21-913-9174 3040-12-394-2516 3040-12-339-0288

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