
Shaft Collar

3040121628870 121628870 29 272-002 29272-002

An item designed to be mounted around a shaft to limit axial movement of the shaft and/or its assembled parts. It is secured directly to the shaft by use of a setscrew(s), pin(s), or the like, which may be a part of the item of supply. A pilot hole drilled in or through the wall(s) for drilling and pinning at application may be considered a method of securing. Solid items have a bearing surface on one or both end(s) perpendicular to the axis. For items designed to be mounted around the extended hub portion of a mounted item on a shaft or clamp around a shaft, see CLAMP, HUB. See also BEARING, SLEEVE; BUSHING, SLEEVE; SPACER, SLEEVE; and COUPLING, SHAFT, RIGID. View more Shaft Collar

3040-12-162-8870 COLLAR,SHAFT 3040121628870 121628870

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NSN Created on 30 May 1969
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January 2023
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29 272-002 29272-002 An item designed to be mounted around a shaft to limit axial movement of the shaft
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3040-12-162-8870 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-30/fsc-3040/de 3040-12-162-8870

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