
Groove Pulley

3020375108896 375108896 Q65058687

A pulley with one or more grooved faces or rims of the same diameter. For pulleys encased in a shell or frame, see BLOCK, TACKLE.For items specifically designed for aviation, see PULLEY(1), GROOVE, AVIATION. View more Groove Pulley

3020-37-510-8896 PULLEY,GROOVE 3020375108896 375108896

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NSN Created on 13 Jul 2004
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3020-37-510-8896 PULLEY,GROOVE 3020375108896 375108896 1/1
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Q65058687 A pulley with one or more grooved faces or rims of the same diameter.
RQST NE Updated Every Day 3020-37-510-8896 RQST Updated Every Day 3020-37-510-8896 RQST NE Related Documents
3020-37-510-8896 3+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-30/fsc-3020/kr 3020-37-510-8896
Pulleys, Sprockets, and Transmission Chain from https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-30/fsc-3020/kr 3020-37-510-8896
Groove Pulley 3020375108896 375108896 from Korea (KR) -37-521-2234 Gear Cluster FC-A35G-119RNCC
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3020-37-510-8896 Demil Restrictions 3020-37-510-8896


3020-37-510-8896 is a Groove Pulley

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