
Coupling Housing

3010144591096 144591096 H104154

An item fabricated from a single internally cored casting, or composed of two or more separate pieces and designed to support and protect the components of a coupling. Includes items having access hole(s) to facilitate machining and assembling of components. It may include the access hole cover. View more Coupling Housing

3010-14-459-1096 HOUSING,COUPLING 3010144591096 144591096

Managed by France
NSN Created on 19 Nov 1992
Data Last Changed
July 2023
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3010-14-459-1096 HOUSING,COUPLING 3010144591096 144591096 1/1
NSN 3010-14-459-1096 (Generic Image) 1/1

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3010-14-459-1096 is a Coupling Housing

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France (ZF)

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