
Nonvehicular Propeller Shaft With Universal Joint

3010123834783 123834783 0309073-5

A nonvehicular item with a universal joint on one or both ends. For items with one universal joint, the opposite end may have a yoke, a yoke with a spider, or a shaft. For items without a universal joint see PROPELLER SHAFT (as modified). View more Nonvehicular Propeller Shaft With Universal Joint

3010-12-383-4783 PROPELLER SHAFT WITH UNIVERSAL JOINT,NONVEHICULAR 3010123834783 123834783

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NSN Created on 26 Oct 2010
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3010-12-383-4783 PROPELLER SHAFT WITH UNIVERSAL JOINT,NONVEHICULAR 3010123834783 123834783 1/1
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0309073-5 A nonvehicular item with a universal joint on one or both ends.
Germany (DE) 4. 3010-12-383-4783 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
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NumberManufacturerStatus0309073 28687 - Navy, United https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-30/fsc-3010/de 3010-12-383-4783
3010123834783 123834783,0309073-5 browser . 3010-12-383-4783Nonvehicular Propeller Shaft With Universal
Joint3010123834783 123834783 0309073 Restrictions 7025-01-316-6899 DEMIL: A | DEMILI : | CRITICALITY

3010-12-383-4783 Demil Restrictions 3010-12-383-4783


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