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Gasoline Engine Governor

2995016162376 016162376 101-389000-3

2995-01-616-2376 GOVERNOR,GASOLINE ENGINE 2995016162376 016162376

Managed by United States
NSN Created on 6 Feb 2013
Data Last Changed
January 2023
NATO Update Count
NATO Data Quality
2995-01-616-2376 GOVERNOR,GASOLINE ENGINE 2995016162376 016162376 1/1
NSN 2995-01-616-2376 (Generic Image) 1/1

2995-01-616-2376 Stock and Availability Marketplace 2995-01-616-2376

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2995-01-616-2376 Related Documents Related Documents 2995-01-616-2376 2+ Documents (More...)

2995-01-616-2376 2+ Documents ( More... ) https// /fsg-29/fsc-2995/us 2995-01-616-2376
Gasoline Engine Governor 2995016162376 Update Count 7 NATO Data Quality NSN 2995-01-616-2376 (Generic
RQST NE Updated Every Day 2995-01-616-2376 RQST Updated Every Day 2995-01-616-2376 RQST NE Restrictions
Active) Primary Buy RNCC 3 RNVC 2 DAC 2 070-389000 https// /fsg-29/fsc-2995/us 2995-01-616-2376
Gasoline Engine Governor 2995016162376 Upgrade your Account Upgrade 2995-01-616-2376Gasoline Engine
Governor2995016162376 016162376 101-389000 ZU01) Effective Date:1 Nov 2015 Approved Sources 2995-01-

2995-01-616-2376 Demil Restrictions 2995-01-616-2376


2995-01-616-2376 is a Gasoline Engine Governor This item has been confirmed as a Non-Critical Munitions List Item or a Non-Sensitive Commerce Control List Item and cannnot be in the possession of any party outside of the USA who is a not an authorized NATO Government. Any other possessor of this item should mutilate it now as possession violates international and local laws. This item is a confirmed Commerce Control List Item (CCLI). This item is not suspected to be hazardous. This item does not contain a precious metal.

2995-01-616-2376 HTS and ScheduleB Import and Export 2995-01-616-2376

2995-01-616-2376 End Users End Users 2995-01-616-2376

Greece (ZU01)
Effective Date:
1 Nov 2015

2995-01-616-2376 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 2995-01-616-2376

2995-01-616-2376 Freight Data Freight Information 2995-01-616-2376

2995-01-616-2376 has freight characteristics.. 2995-01-616-2376 has a variance between NMFC and UFC when transported by rail and the description should be consulted.