
Hand Engine Starter

2990996670607 996670607 0108825 CV138528

An item primarily designed to crank an internal combustion engine by manual operation. It usually consists of a GEARBOX and/or FLYWHEEL which is brought to a high speed, prior to engagement, by operation of a HAND CRANK or a hand pulled automatic rewind device. It may include facilities for adding an electric motor. View more Hand Engine Starter

2990-99-667-0607 STARTER,ENGINE,HAND 2990996670607 996670607

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NSN Created on 21 May 2008
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2990-99-667-0607 STARTER,ENGINE,HAND 2990996670607 996670607 1/1
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0108825 CV138528 An item primarily designed to crank an internal combustion engine by manual operation
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