
Emission Control Crankshaft Position Sensor

2990270543855 270543855 2S7Q6C315AC

A permanent magnet with a coil. It produces alternating current pulsation when the magnet field or sensor is disrupted by a gear tooth or notch. It senses pulse ring lobes. The resultant signal enables the electronic control assembly to determine when the ignition module should be triggered to produce a spark. Also, provides revolutions per minute information which is used to calculate spark advance and exhaust gas recirculation flow, and air/fuel ratio, (replaces distributor centrifugal advance weights and timing pickup). One pulse is produced for each cylinder every other engine rotation (one for each spark plug firing). View more Emission Control Crankshaft Position Sensor

2990-27-054-3855 SENSOR,CRANKSHAFT POSITION,EMISSION CONTROL 2990270543855 270543855

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2990-27-054-3855 SENSOR,CRANKSHAFT POSITION,EMISSION CONTROL 2990270543855 270543855 1/1
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2S7Q6C315AC A permanent magnet with a coil.
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