
Muffler-Exhaust Pipe Protective Cap Assembly

2990340402245 340402245 MR266880

An item designed to fit over the opening of an engine exhaust pipe or muffler to prevent the entrance of rain or foreign matter into the manifold section of a reciprocating engine while not in use. It is automatically opened when the engine is started by pressure exerted from the exhaust system. It is equipped with a hinging action and may or may not have a counter weight. Excludes CAP, PROTECTIVE, DUST AND MOISTURE SEAL. View more Muffler-Exhaust Pipe Protective Cap Assembly

2990-34-040-2245 CAP ASSEMBLY,PROTECTIVE,MUFFLER-EXHAUST PIPE 2990340402245 340402245

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NSN Created on 3 Jun 2010
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2990-34-040-2245 CAP ASSEMBLY,PROTECTIVE,MUFFLER-EXHAUST PIPE 2990340402245 340402245 1/1
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,MR266880 MR266880 An item designed to fit over the opening of an engine exhaust pipe or muffler to prevent
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2990-34-040-2245 is a Muffler-Exhaust Pipe Protective Cap Assembly

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