
Engine Heater Coolant Combustion Chamber

2990144957413 144957413 0218-61

An item generally tubular shaped, the fuel injected through a nozzle is atomized, mixed with combustion air and burnt. The resulting heat is used to heat the coolant. Item is part of a HEATER (1), COOLANT, ENGINE. View more Engine Heater Coolant Combustion Chamber

2990-14-495-7413 COMBUSTION CHAMBER,HEATER COOLANT,ENGINE 2990144957413 144957413

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NSN Created on 15 Oct 1997
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January 2023
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2990-14-495-7413 COMBUSTION CHAMBER,HEATER COOLANT,ENGINE 2990144957413 144957413 1/1
NSN 2990-14-495-7413 (Generic Image) 1/1

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2990-21-909-0737 2990-01-483-6303 2990-12-364-0966 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-29/fsc-2990/fr 2990-14-495-7413
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Heater Coolant Combustion Chamber 321-1699 2990-12-352-6896 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-29/fsc-2990/fr 2990-14-495-7413
Engine Heater Coolant Combustion Chamber 321-1699 2990-12-352-6896 2990-12-341-1173 -2990/fr 2990-14-495-7413

2990-14-495-7413 Demil Restrictions 2990-14-495-7413


2990-14-495-7413 is a Engine Heater Coolant Combustion Chamber

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France (ZF)

2990-14-495-7413 Manufacturers Approved Sources 2990-14-495-7413

2990-14-495-7413 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 2990-14-495-7413