
Filler Opening Cap

2930151200974 151200974 98418980 120860

A part basically circular in shape, designed to cover or seal the filler-neck or inlet opening of a fuel tank, radiator, oil reservoir, liquid storage tank or the like. It may be either permanently attached to the object for which it is designed or provided with a means of removal and replacement. Excludes CAP, VENT, FUEL STORAGE TANK; and COVER (1), (as modified). View more Filler Opening Cap

2930-15-120-0974 CAP,FILLER OPENING 2930151200974 151200974

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98418980 120860 A part basically circular in shape, designed to cover or seal the filler-neck or inlet
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120860-ABG A washer of nonresilient material usually having two parallel bearing surfaces.
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