
Fuel Pressurizing And Drain Valve

2925992511285 992511285

An item that provides an automatic proportioning of fuel distribution to the engine fuel manifolds, under pressure, to achieve better fuel atomization at the fuel nozzles over a wide range of fuel flows. It must also provide a means of shutting off fuel supply to the engine and draining the fuel manifold after engine shutdown. It must be spring loaded and is either pressure balanced or linkage operated. View more Fuel Pressurizing And Drain Valve

2925-99-251-1285 VALVE,FUEL PRESSURIZING AND DRAIN 2925992511285 992511285

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Valve2925992511285 992511285 United Kingdom (UK) 4. 2925-99-251-1285 Marketplace Restrictions Approved
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012918010 -7635 2915-01-291-8010 2915-17-108-5321 2915-01-532 01-546-4414 2915-00-977-8565 Valve 992511285
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Harness 2925-99-641-7594 System Components, Aircraft https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-29/fsc-2925/uk 2925-99-251-1285
Fuel Pressurizing And Drain Valve 992511285 29 Engine Electrical System Components, Aircraft https
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2925-99-251-1285 is a Fuel Pressurizing And Drain Valve

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