
Electrical Engine Starter

2920145298253 145298253

An item consisting of an electric, direct current, motor and integral and associated components, primarily designed to crank an internal combustion engine, or a gas turbine engine until it starts operating under its own power. May include facilities for manual or mechanical actuation. Excludes MOTOR, ENGINE STARTER, ELECTRICAL; STARTER, MOTOR; STARTER, ENGINE (as modified); and SWITCH, ENGINE STARTER, ELECTRICAL. View more Electrical Engine Starter

2920-14-529-8253 STARTER,ENGINE,ELECTRICAL 2920145298253 145298253

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January 2024
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2920-14-529-8253 STARTER,ENGINE,ELECTRICAL 2920145298253 145298253 1/1
NSN 2920-14-529-8253 (Generic Image) 1/1

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Electrical Engine Starter 2920145298253 Documents 2920-14-529-8253 3+ Documents ( More... ) https
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CRITICALITY : | HMIC : | PMIC : | EDC: | ADPEC https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-29/fsc-2920/fr 2920-14-529-8253
Electrical Engine Starter 2920145298253 Documents 2920-14-529-8253 3+ Documents ( More... ) https
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Electrical Engine Starter 2920145298253 Nonaircraft from France (FR) Armature 2920-14-529-8253
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Electrical Engine Starter 2920145298253 fsc-2920 Engine Electrical System Components, Nonaircraft
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