
Ignition Interference Suppressor

2920123081127 123081127 0356200007 052905445 0300413102 11265-A/P WVESP1

An insulated cylindrical body, either straight or angular, containing a fixed resistance element, and usually with quick-disconnect type terminals, specifically constructed so that when connected in a high tension electrical ignition system it will reduce interference resulting from arcing of spark plugs, and similar devices. Excludes RESISTOR (as modified) and SUPPRESSOR, PARASITIC. See also FILTER, RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE. View more Ignition Interference Suppressor

2920-12-308-1127 SUPPRESSOR,IGNITION INTERFERENCE 2920123081127 123081127

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0356200007 052905445 0300413102 11265-A/P WVESP1 An insulated cylindrical body, either straight or angular
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