
Aircraft Engine Tube Assembly

2915145427122 145427122 329-50-001-04

An aircraft engine component designed to convey fluid. It may be bent or straight, flexible or rigid. It may include fittings to join one or more tubes together. For tube assembly designed to convey fuel from the cell or tank to the engine, see: FUEL LINE,AIRCRAFT. View more Aircraft Engine Tube Assembly

2915-14-542-7122 TUBE ASSEMBLY,AIRCRAFT ENGINE 2915145427122 145427122

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2915-14-542-7122 TUBE ASSEMBLY,AIRCRAFT ENGINE 2915145427122 145427122 1/1
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Aircraft Engine Tube Assembly 2915145427122 329-50-001-04 An aircraft engine component designed to convey

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2915-14-542-7122 is a Aircraft Engine Tube Assembly

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