
Oil Pump Strainer

2815144798970 144798970 25618449 9-526670-2 2910-65-0006670

A device designed as an oil intake screen, encased in a housing with a tube or a pipe attached. Item is used to remove solid particles as oil is drawn by suction from the oil pan through the screen and interconnecting piping. View more Oil Pump Strainer

2815-14-479-8970 STRAINER,OIL PUMP 2815144798970 144798970

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25618449 9-526670-2 2910-65-0006670 A device designed as an oil intake screen, encased in a housing
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2815-14-479-8970 2+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-28/fsc-2815/fr 2815-14-479-8970
Documents 4720-00-813-7608 1+ Documents ( More... https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-28/fsc-2815/fr 2815-14-479-8970
Oil Pump Strainer 2815144798970 144798970 JavaScript in your web browser . 2815-14-479-8970Oil
Pump Strainer2815144798970 144798970 25618449 9-526670 NumberManufacturerStatus25618449 F3229 - Wartsila

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