
Internal Combustion Engine Timing Gear Cover

2815123393138 123393138 3660150504 3520150804 3660150104

A metallic and/or non-metallic cover of various shapes specifically designed to protect the timing gear(s) mechanism of a gasoline or diesel engine. It may have a timing pointer, sealing ring(s), stud(s), dowel pin(s), shield(s), or the like. View more Internal Combustion Engine Timing Gear Cover

2815-12-339-3138 COVER,TIMING GEAR,INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE 2815123393138 123393138

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 8 Nov 1995
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January 2023
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2815-12-339-3138 COVER,TIMING GEAR,INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE 2815123393138 123393138 1/1
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3660150504 3520150804 3660150104 A metallic and/or non-metallic cover of various shapes specifically
Germany (DE) 4. 2815-12-339-3138 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
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2815-12-339-3138 is a Internal Combustion Engine Timing Gear Cover

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2815-12-339-3138 Stock, Inventory and Procurement DLA Procurement Analysis 2815-12-339-3138

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2815-12-339-3138 Contracting Technical Data File (CTDF) Contracting Technical Data File (CTDF) 2815-12-339-3138 October 2021

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Certified Samples:
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Commercial Properties

Government Furnished Material:
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Pallet Reference Number Required: