
Piston Ring

2815121788785 121788785 0117 2450 1172450EE8929-84 4071032 1172450

A circular, single or multipiece item, metallic or nonmetallic in composition, designed to be fitted in a circumferential groove in a piston and to spring outward against the cylinder wall to function as a seal or wiper. It is supplied in various cross-sectional shapes and is cut through at one point to allow for installation in the piston ring groove. It may include an expander. Excludes PACKING, PREFORMED; RETAINER, OIL SEAL; RETAINER, PACKING; RING, RETAINING; RING WIPER; and SEAL RING, METAL. View more Piston Ring

2815-12-178-8785 RING,PISTON 2815121788785 121788785

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NSN Created on 22 May 1979
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0117 2450 1172450EE8929-84 4071032 1172450 A circular, single or multipiece item, metallic or nonmetallic
RQST NE Updated Every Day 2815-12-178-8785 RQST Updated Every Day 2815-12-178-8785 RQST NE Related Documents
2815-12-178-8785 3+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-28/fsc-2815/de 2815-12-178-8785
47/fsc-4730/it 4730-15-152-3841 Quick Disconnect Coupling Half 4730151523841 00117245 (241)A39630-1172450
browser . 4730-15- 152-3841Quick Disconnect Coupling Half4730151523841 15152384100117245 (241)A39630-1172450
-11724542086985 00117245 (241)A39630-1172450-117245 42086985 NumberManufacturerStatus00117245 A3963 -
151523841 00117245 (241)A39630-117245 0-117245 42086985 Half4730151523841 15152384100117245 (241)A39630-1172450
-11724542086985 00117245 (241)A39630-1172450-117245 42086985 Connector 2815151878385 151878385,42086985

2815-12-178-8785 Demil Restrictions 2815-12-178-8785


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Germany (ZG)

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