
Engine Poppet Valve

2815121656185 121656185 0213 5040 2135040ED0141-08 1918-080250-042 2135040

A mushroom or tulip-shaped item having a circular head with a conical face and an extended stem used to regulate the flow of incoming fuel-air mixture or air into the combustion chamber or exhaust gases from the combustion chamber of a reciprocating internal combustion engine. View more Engine Poppet Valve

2815-12-165-6185 VALVE,POPPET,ENGINE 2815121656185 121656185

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 9 Jun 1976
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January 2023
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2815-12-165-6185 VALVE,POPPET,ENGINE 2815121656185 121656185 1/1
NSN 2815-12-165-6185 (Generic Image) 1/1

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0213 5040 2135040ED0141-08 1918-080250-042 2135040 A mushroom or tulip-shaped item having a circular
RQST NE Updated Every Day 2815-12-165-6185 RQST Updated Every Day 2815-12-165-6185 RQST NE Related Documents
2815-12-165-6185 3+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-28/fsc-2815/de 2815-12-165-6185
instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 4820-14-514-1920Corps4820145141920 145141920 2135040
Every Day 4820-14-514-1920 RQST NE Restrictions https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-28/fsc-2815/de 2815-12-165-6185
Engine Poppet Valve 2815121656185 121656185 Documents 2815-12-165-6185 2+ Documents ( More... )
vendors Request Updated Every Day 6145-01-686-0473 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-28/fsc-2815/de 2815-12-165-6185
Engine Poppet Valve 2815121656185 121656185 14-514-1920Corps4820145141920 145141920 2135040 https

2815-12-165-6185 Demil Restrictions 2815-12-165-6185


2815-12-165-6185 is a Engine Poppet Valve

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