
Diesel Engine Cylinder Head

2815121254932 121254932 215041-215080-118530 A26

An item designed to inclose the cylinder bore(s) of an engine block to form a combustion chamber(s). It may have liquid cooling passage(s) and/or air cooling fin(s) and may include valve(s), valve guide(s), rocker arm(s), injector tube(s), and the like. It is a component part of an ENGINE, DIESEL. See also CYLINDER HEAD, GASOLINE ENGINE. View more Diesel Engine Cylinder Head

2815-12-125-4932 CYLINDER HEAD,DIESEL ENGINE 2815121254932 121254932

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215041-215080-118530 A26 An item designed to inclose the cylinder bore(s) of an engine block to form
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2815-12-125-4932 is a Diesel Engine Cylinder Head

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