
Valve Core

2640218965974 218965974 790R

A cylindrical, spring loaded self-sealing unit designed to be (1) fitted into the valve stem of a pneumatic tire or inner tube or other inflatable item to retain inflation or (2) fitted into hydraulic, pneumatic or oxygen equipment and the like to permit pressure charging. Excludes VALVE CORE, HAND PUMP, DRAINAGE AND SUCTION APPARATUS. View more Valve Core

2640-21-896-5974 VALVE CORE 2640218965974 218965974

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NSN Created on 25 Nov 1984
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January 2023
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2640-21-896-5974 VALVE CORE 2640218965974 218965974 1/1
NSN 2640-21-896-5974 (Generic Image) 1/1

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2640-21-896-5974 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-26/fsc-2640/ca 2640-21-896-5974
Valve Core 2640218965974 218965974,790R 790R A cylindrical, spring loaded self-sealing unit designed
| RNVC: 2 | DAC: 4 4 Jun 1968 2640-21-867-0972 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-26/fsc-2640/ca 2640-21-896-5974
Valve Core 2640218965974 218965974,790R www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-26/fsc-2640 Tire Rebuilding and
1968 2640-21-867-0972 Inner Tube Repair Patch 0010-0157RNCC: 6 | RNVC: 9 | DAC: 9 18 Aug 1972 2640-21-896-5974
2640 Tire Rebuilding and Tire and Tube Repair Materials from Canada (CA) | DAC: 9 18 Aug 1972 2640-21-896-5974
your web browser . 5835-15-172-4609Registratore Teac M5835151724609 151724609 REGISTRATORE TEAC MOD.W 790R
Italy (ZR) Approved Sources 5835-15-172-4609 Part NumberManufacturerStatusREGISTRATORE TEAC MOD.W 790R

2640-21-896-5974 Demil Restrictions 2640-21-896-5974


2640-21-896-5974 is a Valve Core

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