
Vehicular Baggage Rack

2590226202676 226202676 154.6

An open frame structure designed for transporting baggage and other objects. It is primarily mounted on the roof and/or exterior of a vehicle. Mounting hardware, a ladder, a handrail and facilities for securing the cargo during transport may be included. View more Vehicular Baggage Rack

2590-22-620-2676 RACK,BAGGAGE,VEHICULAR 2590226202676 226202676

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NSN Created on 1 Feb 2010
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2590-22-620-2676 RACK,BAGGAGE,VEHICULAR 2590226202676 226202676 1/1
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154.6 An open frame structure designed for transporting baggage and other objects.
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2590-22-620-2676 2+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2590/dk 2590-22-620-2676
JavaScript in your web browser . 4030-51-000-3211Shackle4030510003211 510003211 791113175207 65-113-154.6
fsg-40/fsc-4030/hu 4030-51-000-3211 Shackle 4030510003211 510003211,791113175207 79111317520765-113-154.6
Every Day 4030-51-000-3211 RQST NE Restrictions https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2590/dk 2590-22-620-2676

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2590-22-620-2676 is a Vehicular Baggage Rack

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