
Push-Pull Control Assembly

2590661314811 661314811 3239503R1

A control consisting of a wire, wire rope, or a center load rail with ball bearings, within a flexible conduit. One end must have a threaded sleeve for mounting to a wall, bulkhead, or handle, or clevis. It is used to operate or control, either manually or mechanically a mechanical device. It may include such attaching devices as nut(s), washer(s), clevis, bracket(s), and/or the like. For items designed to transmit rotary motion, see SHAFT ASSEMBLY, FLEXIBLE. View more Push-Pull Control Assembly

2590-66-131-4811 CONTROL ASSEMBLY,PUSH-PULL 2590661314811 661314811

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2590-66-131-4811 CONTROL ASSEMBLY,PUSH-PULL 2590661314811 661314811 1/1
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Push-Pull Control Assembly 2590661314811 3239503R1 A control consisting of a wire, wire rope, or a center

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2590-66-131-4811 is a Push-Pull Control Assembly

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