
Compartment Vehicular Heater

2540270054695 270054695 83.77930.6001 83-77907-7002

A device designed to heat the interior of a vehicle by utilizing the heat from the engine coolant system or a liquid fuel type burner. Circulation of the heated air is achieved by use of a blower or fan which may or may not be an integral part of the heating unit. Excludes HEATER, AIRCRAFT, and railway heaters. View more Compartment Vehicular Heater

2540-27-005-4695 HEATER,VEHICULAR,COMPARTMENT 2540270054695 270054695

Managed by Turkey
NSN Created on 3 Dec 1997
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January 2023
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2540-27-005-4695 HEATER,VEHICULAR,COMPARTMENT 2540270054695 270054695 1/1
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83.77930.6001 83-77907-7002 A device designed to heat the interior of a vehicle by utilizing the heat
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2540-27-005-4695 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2540/tr 2540-27-005-4695

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2540-27-005-4695 is a Compartment Vehicular Heater

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Turkey (ZW)

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