
Direct Action Shock Absorber

2540150647145 150647145 01-245-M001

A damper, either frictional or hydraulic, designed to dampen the shock of suddenly applied force and/or to control spring rebound and oscillation, usually attached to the vehicle frame, body or hull and connected to an axle, spring, spring support web or pad or between suspension arms of track-laying vehicles. See also MOUNT, RESILIENT and SHOCK ABSORBER, LEVER ACTION. View more Direct Action Shock Absorber

2540-15-064-7145 SHOCK ABSORBER,DIRECT ACTION 2540150647145 150647145

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NSN Created on 24 Jun 1984
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Direct Action Shock Absorber 2540150647145 01-245-M001 A damper, either frictional or hydraulic, designed

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2540-15-064-7145 is a Direct Action Shock Absorber

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Italy (ZR)

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