
Seat Pedestal

2540121736713 121736713 00001-12300

An item which supports but does not include a SEAT (1), VEHICULAR. It usually is a straight vertical column which has a plate on one end. The column adjusts by telescoping. The plate may have provisions for rotating in an arc not to exceed 360 degrees and for folding. Locks and/or handles are integral. A footrest may be provided. Excludes FRAME, SEAT, VEHICULAR and SUPPORT, SEAT, VEHICULAR. View more Seat Pedestal

2540-12-173-6713 PEDESTAL,SEAT 2540121736713 121736713

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 28 Apr 1978
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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2540-12-173-6713 PEDESTAL,SEAT 2540121736713 121736713 1/1
NSN 2540-12-173-6713 (Generic Image) 1/1

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00001-12300 An item which supports but does not include a SEAT (1), VEHICULAR.
RQST NE Updated Every Day 2540-12-173-6713 RQST Updated Every Day 2540-12-173-6713 RQST NE Related Documents
2540-12-173-6713 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2540/de 2540-12-173-6713
151-1684 2540-12-350-0458 2540-40-000-1702 2540003300937 003300937 326-9449 2540-22-604-4573 2540-12-173-6713
Seat Pedestal 2540121736713 121736713 012178318 604-4573 2540-12-173-6713 2540-66-151-1684 2540
-12-350-0458 2540-40-000-1702 Pedestal 2540003300937 003300937 604-4573 2540-12-173-6713 2540992808347
vendors Request Updated Every Day 2540-01-217-8318 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2540/de 2540-12-173-6713
Seat Pedestal 2540121736713 121736713 Seat Pedestal 2540400001702 400001702 2540-66-151-1684 2540
-12-350-0458 2540-40-000-1702 Pedestal 2540012178318 012178318 604-4573 2540-12-173-6713 2540-66-151-
https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2540/dk 2540 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2540/de 2540-12-173-6713
Seat Pedestal 2540121736713 121736713 2540-12-326-9449 2540-22-604-4573 2540-12-173-6713 https/
Related to 2540-22-112-6146 2540-22-604-4571 2540-12-146-9164 2540-12-326-9449 2540-22-604-4573 2540-12-173-6713
2540-66-151-1684 2540-12-350-0458 2540-40-000-1702 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2540/de 2540-12-173-6713
Seat Pedestal 2540121736713 121736713 Documents 2540-12-173-6713 5+ Documents ( More... ) https
2540-66-151-1684 2540-12-350-0458 2540-40-000-1702 Pedestal 2540012178318 012178318 604-4573 2540-12-173-6713

2540-12-173-6713 Demil Restrictions 2540-12-173-6713


2540-12-173-6713 is a Seat Pedestal

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