
Flexible Control Casing

2540218914815 218914815

A round, hollow, flexible item made of closely wound wire which may have a covering. It is used to serve as a guide and support for push-pull or rotating types of controls for various devices. See also HOSE, METAL. For items with end connections, see CASING, FLEXIBLE SHAFT ASSEMBLY. View more Flexible Control Casing

2540-21-891-4815 CASING,FLEXIBLE CONTROL 2540218914815 218914815

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January 2024
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2540-21-891-4815 CASING,FLEXIBLE CONTROL 2540218914815 218914815 1/1
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218914815 Request a Quotation from participating marketplace vendors Request Restrictions 2540-21-891
Flexible Control Casing 2540218914815 961-2555 3040-14-283-9484 3040-14-480-2379 3030-14-400-9469
3040-14-447-0356 3040-14-225-7917 3040-12-120-8637 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2540/ca 2540-21-891-4815
Flexible Control Casing 2540218914815 961-2555 3040-14-283-9484 3040-14-480-2379 3030-14-400-9469

2540-21-891-4815 Demil Restrictions 2540-21-891-4815


2540-21-891-4815 is a Flexible Control Casing

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