
Disk Brake Shoe Set

2530145344739 145344739 425222

A group of replacement components consisting of two or more DISK BRAKE SHOE, usually affixed with a fabric friction lining as the contact pad surface. They may be of circular, kidney, or rectangular shape. They are so designed that, when mounted in a caliper cylinder housing, actuated pressure on the shoe friction pad will retard or stop motion. Excludes: BRAKE, DUAL DISK; BRAKE, SINGLE DISK. View more Disk Brake Shoe Set

2530-14-534-4739 DISK BRAKE SHOE SET 2530145344739 145344739

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425222 A group of replacement components consisting of two or more DISK BRAKE SHOE, usually affixed
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2530-14-534-4739 2+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2530/fr 2530-14-534-4739
in your web browser . 5330-99-557-3898Gasket5330995573898 995573898 709SH121TEM4-7 709-3-4-7 H896-425222
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