
Disk Brake Shoe

2530144761438 144761438 GU01367

A replaceable metal plate, usually affixed with a fabric friction lining as the contact pad surface. It may be of circular, kidney, or rectangular shape. When mounted in a caliper cylinder housing, between brake disk and hydraulic or pneumatic piston(s), or wheel and caliper lever, it is so designed that actuated pressure, on the shoe friction pad, will retard or stop motion. Excludes BRAKE, DUAL DISK; BRAKE, SINGLE DISK; BRAKE SHOE; and DISK, BRAKE. View more Disk Brake Shoe

2530-14-476-1438 DISK BRAKE SHOE 2530144761438 144761438

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GU01367 A replaceable metal plate, usually affixed with a fabric friction lining as the contact pad
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