Track Shoe Pad
2530123906312 123906312 28208 28682
A replacement pad for a track vehicle, which may include attaching parts, such as bolts, nuts, washers plates, and the like. Excludes links with integral or attached pads. View more Track Shoe Pad
Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 29 Nov 2012
Data Last Changed
January 2023
January 2023
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Marketplace 2530-12-390-6312
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Related Documents 2530-12-390-6312 5+ Documents (More...)
28208 28682 A replacement pad for a track vehicle, which may include attaching parts, such as bolts,
2530-12-390-6312 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2530/de 2530-12-390-6312
Track Shoe Pad 2530123906312 123906312,28208 2530-23-114-4379 2530-12-371-6048 2530-12-390-6312
2530-12-390-6312 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2530/de 2530-12-390-6312
Track Shoe Pad 2530123906312 123906312,28208 2530-23-114-4379 2530-12-371-6048 2530-12-390-6312
2530-22-613-2401 Track Shoe Pad 2530226132401 226132401
vendors Request Restrictions 2530-22-613-2401 DEMIL https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2530/de 2530-12-390-6312
Track Shoe Pad 2530123906312 123906312,28208 2530-23-114-4379 2530-12-371-6048 2530-12-390-6312
674-0357 5340-22-606-4293 2530-32-082-6401 2530-12-362-2617 2530-23-114-4379 2530-12-371-6048 2530-12-390-6312
Track Shoe Pad 2530123906312 123906312,28208 2530-23-114-4379 2530-12-371-6048 2530-12-390-6312
674-0357 5340-22-606-4293 2530-32-082-6401 2530-12-362-2617 2530-23-114-4379 2530-12-371-6048 2530-12-390-6312
2530-22-122-3001 Track Shoe Pad 2530221223001 221223001
2530-27-058-2446 2530-27-026-2624 2530-01-674-0357 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2530/de 2530-12-390-6312
Track Shoe Pad 2530123906312 123906312,28208 2530-23-114-4379 2530-12-371-6048 2530-12-390-6312
674-0357 5340-22-606-4293 2530-32-082-6401 2530-12-362-2617 2530-23-114-4379 2530-12-371-6048 2530-12-390-6312
Track Shoe Pad 2530123906312 123906312,28208 2530-23-114-4379 2530-12-371-6048 2530-12-390-6312
674-0357 5340-22-606-4293 2530-32-082-6401 2530-12-362-2617 2530-23-114-4379 2530-12-371-6048 2530-12-390-6312
5340-22-606-4293 Track Shoe Pad 5340226064293 226064293
2530-27-026-2624 2530-01-674-0357 5340-22-606-4293 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2530/de 2530-12-390-6312
Track Shoe Pad 2530123906312 123906312,28208 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2530/uk 2530-99-839-
674-0357 5340-22-606-4293 2530-32-082-6401 2530-12-362-2617 2530-23-114-4379 2530-12-371-6048 2530-12-390-6312
Track Shoe Pad 2530123906312 123906312,28208 www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2530/uk 2530-99-839-
674-0357 5340-22-606-4293 2530-32-082-6401 2530-12-362-2617 2530-23-114-4379 2530-12-371-6048 2530-12-390-6312
2530123716048 123716048,21320 2530-12-362-2617 2530-23-114-4379 2530-12-371-6048 25/fsc-2530/de 2530-12-390-6312
Track Shoe Pad 2530123906312 123906312,28208 2530-23-114-4379 2530-12-371-6048 https//www.nsnlookup.com
674-0357 5340-22-606-4293 2530-32-082-6401 2530-12-362-2617 2530-23-114-4379 2530-12-371-6048 2530-12-390-6312
Track Shoe Pad 2530123906312 123906312,28208 2530-23-114-4379 2530-12-371-6048 https//www.nsnlookup.com
674-0357 5340-22-606-4293 2530-32-082-6401 2530-12-362-2617 2530-23-114-4379 2530-12-371-6048 2530-12-390-6312
Restrictions 2530-12-390-6312
End Users 2530-12-390-6312
- Germany (ZG)
Approved Sources 2530-12-390-6312
- Part Number
- Manufacturer
- Status
- 28208
- Manufacturer
- D2239 - Knds Deutschland Tracks Gmbh (Active)
- Primary Buy
- Primary Buy
- 28682
- D2239 - Knds Deutschland Tracks Gmbh (Active)
- Canceled/Obsolete
- Canceled/Obsolete
NATO Stock Numbers Related to 2530-12-390-6312
2530-66-157-1279 2530-37-515-6885 2530-22-621-2796 2530-99-696-3397 2530-12-321-3446 2530-12-393-9736 2530-22-620-6230 2530-01-406-1918 2530-01-204-4421 2530-27-058-2446 2530-27-026-2624 2530-01-674-0357 5340-22-606-4293 2530-32-082-6401 2530-12-362-2617 2530-23-114-4379 2530-12-371-6048 2530-12-390-6312