
Friction Lining

2530218996590 218996590 1029321M91 25300962

A fibrous and/or metallic material with or without binders and/or compounds, cut or molded to a specific size. It may be a segment or a complete lining. It is usually designed to be fastened to a shoe, disk, band, cone, or the like, but may be installed without fastening. It provides a friction surface for transmitting, retarding, or stopping motion. Excludes LINING MATERIAL, FRICTION. View more Friction Lining

2530-21-899-6590 LINING,FRICTION 2530218996590 218996590

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1029321M91 25300962 A fibrous and/or metallic material with or without binders and/or compounds, cut
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2530-21-899-6590 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2530/ca 2530-21-899-6590

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