
Vehicular Universal Joint

2520144914150 144914150 DOUBLE-JOINT-GC606-DIN1600 BEC3574 F300 0T 002 7812

A flexible connection designed for vehicular applications which permits rotary motion to be transmitted between two shafts located at an angle to each other. The angle between the shafts may be continually varied within certain limits; the connecting ends must have either a flange, hub, or splined stub shaft; the plain portion of a splined stub shaft must not exceed the length of the splines. Excludes drive or propeller shafts with joint(s) at one or both ends. See UNIVERSAL JOINT,GEARED. View more Vehicular Universal Joint

2520-14-491-4150 UNIVERSAL JOINT,VEHICULAR 2520144914150 144914150

Managed by France
NSN Created on 8 Oct 1997
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2520-14-491-4150 UNIVERSAL JOINT,VEHICULAR 2520144914150 144914150 1/1
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DOUBLE-JOINT-GC606-DIN1600 BEC3574 F300 0T 002 7812 A flexible connection designed for vehicular applications
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2520-14-491-4150 is a Vehicular Universal Joint

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France (ZF)

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