
Vehicular Shifter Fork

2520330007842 330007842 EN 220901-150 220901150

An item having two or more prongs which may have transverse hole(s), slot(s), dowel pin(s), pad(s), in or on the end of each prong, to provide a means to accomplish the engagement or disengagement of gear(s), shaft(s), clutch, or the like. The opposite end has facilities for a shaft, lever, or the like. This item is designed to be used on vehicular applications such as automobiles, tanks, construction equipment, and the like. View more Vehicular Shifter Fork

2520-33-000-7842 SHIFTER FORK,VEHICULAR 2520330007842 330007842

Managed by Spain
NSN Created on 2 Dec 1988
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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2520-33-000-7842 SHIFTER FORK,VEHICULAR 2520330007842 330007842 1/1
NSN 2520-33-000-7842 (Generic Image) 1/1

2520-33-000-7842 Stock and Availability Marketplace 2520-33-000-7842

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EN 220901-150 220901150 An item having two or more prongs which may have transverse hole(s), slot(s)
RQST NE Updated Every Day 2520-33-000-7842 RQST Updated Every Day 2520-33-000-7842 RQST NE Related Documents
2520-33-000-7842 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2520/es 2520-33-000-7842
25/fsc-2520/es 2520-33-004-4767 Vehicular Shifter Fork 2520330044767,120515 2520-14-543-6534 2520-33-000-7842
2520270241862 3318 2520-14-527- 013-3318 2520-14-527-4356 2520-14-537-2017 2520-14-543-6534 2520-33-000-7842
2520-33-004-4767 -0333 Vehicular 013-3318 2520-14-527-4356 2520-14-537-2017 2520-14-543-6534 2520-33-000-7842
CRITICALITY : | HMIC : | PMIC : | EDC: | ADPEC https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2520/es 2520-33-000-7842
Vehicular Shifter Fork 2520330007842 ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2520/es https//www.nsnlookup.com
2520/uk 2520-99-739-0333 Vehicular 013-3318 2520-14-527-4356 2520-14-537-2017 2520-14-543-6534 2520-33-000-7842
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2520/es 2520-33-004-4767 Vehicular Shifter Fork 2520330044767,120515 2520-33-000-7842
2520-33-004-4767 Fork 2520998219462 013-3318 2520-14-527-4356 2520-14-537-2017 2520-14-543-6534 2520-33-000-7842
2520-14-527-4356 2520-14-537-2017 2520-14-543-6534 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-25/fsc-2520/es 2520-33-000-7842
25/fsc-2520/es 2520-33-004-4767 Vehicular Shifter Fork 2520330044767,120515 2520-14-543-6534 2520-33-000-7842
007-0427 2520-99-744-6321 2520-27-013-3318 2520-14-527-4356 2520-14-537-2017 2520-14-543-6534 2520-33-000-7842

2520-33-000-7842 Demil Restrictions 2520-33-000-7842


2520-33-000-7842 is a Vehicular Shifter Fork

2520-33-000-7842 End Users End Users 2520-33-000-7842

Spain (YB)

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