
Vehicular Universal Joint Yoke

2520123827347 123827347 5200.230.022.000

A component of a universal joint designed for vehicular applications. Consists of a fork-like device to accommodate the spider and bearings of a universal joint by various attaching methods. The opposite end must have either a flange, hub, or splined stub shaft which is designed to be attached to a driving or driven member. For items with a shaft, the length of the plain portion must not exceed the length of the splines. View more Vehicular Universal Joint Yoke

2520-12-382-7347 YOKE,UNIVERSAL JOINT,VEHICULAR 2520123827347 123827347

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NSN Created on 2 Aug 2010
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2520-12-382-7347 YOKE,UNIVERSAL JOINT,VEHICULAR 2520123827347 123827347 1/1
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Vehicular Universal Joint Yoke 2520123827347 5200.230.022.000 A component of a universal joint designed

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