
Vehicular Door Lock Set

2510270467833 270467833 898012197051

A LOCK SET which is installed in a DOOR,VEHICULAR or a DOOR,HATCH,VEHICLE. One or several latches lock into the mating apertures of the lock devices in the vehicle structure or door frame such as RECEPTACLE,DOOR WEDGE and/or WEDGE,DOOR DOVETAIL or the like. Fore actuation use of a key and/or CONTROL ROD or other elements is required. Excludes LOCK SET (1),MORTISE. View more Vehicular Door Lock Set

2510-27-046-7833 LOCK SET,VEHICULAR DOOR 2510270467833 270467833

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NSN Created on 7 Oct 2009
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2510-27-046-7833 LOCK SET,VEHICULAR DOOR 2510270467833 270467833 1/1
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898012197051 A LOCK SET which is installed in a DOOR,VEHICULAR or a DOOR,HATCH,VEHICLE.
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