
Vehicle Suspension Skirting Plate

2510145334644 145334644 55-275-241 SZ55.275.241

A wide strip of thin armour plate designed to be fitted to the sides of a vehicle to afford some protection for the tracks and/or wheels and suspension. View more Vehicle Suspension Skirting Plate

2510-14-533-4644 PLATE,SKIRTING,VEHICLE SUSPENSION 2510145334644 145334644

Managed by France
NSN Created on 5 Feb 2003
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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2510-14-533-4644 PLATE,SKIRTING,VEHICLE SUSPENSION 2510145334644 145334644 1/1
NSN 2510-14-533-4644 (Generic Image) 1/1

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55-275-241 SZ55.275.241 A wide strip of thin armour plate designed to be fitted to the sides of a vehicle
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2510-14-533-4644 is a Vehicle Suspension Skirting Plate

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France (ZF)

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